Wednesday, March 2, 2011

One-Hit Wonder Wednesday

Welcome to my ladies' greatest hits...more to follow each Wednesday.  Some are new, some are old...but all are those 3 little ladies' one-liners that I love, hate, laugh at, cry over, or they simply melt my heart.

Mom, after seeing biggest lady tell smallest ladies how it 'tis:  Ava, you're not in charge.
Ava, completely sincere:  No.  But if I was in charge, I'd be really good at it.

Elsa, hearing Willa wimper in the dark car:  Oh, Willa, what's wrong?  Are you afraid of the dark?
Willa:  No.  I'm afraid of the dork.
Elsa, giggling:  Who's the dork?
Willa, completely serious:  You.

Elsa, after a super fun play session:  I love my little sister like heck!

Ava's answer to my question of how her day went:  I was just so mindless today. 


  1. Sarah, I love these, they are priceless and kudos to you for recording them!

  2. Ava's itching to be in charge! They all have a sense of humor like their mama!
