Wednesday, March 23, 2011

One Hit Wonder Wednesday, Vol. 3

"Ooohhh CRUD!
It snow-ed on my spring,"
Willa, upon seeing the mother-lode of snow that Mother Nature dumped on us last night.  Truer words have never been said.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

One Hit Wonder Wednesday, Vol. 2

My kids make me laugh, with abandon and without apology for the tears that flow down my cheeks after their word missiles land.  Today I share my favorite mascara-runner...

Ava, upon climbing into bed between Paul and I one snuggly Saturday morning...
"Great, here I am stuck between a big butt...and a bigger butt."  I didn't even bother asking which butt was mine.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

L is for Lion

The girls made these sweet little lion masks several months ago for Elsa's letter of the week sharing in her preschool class.  It seems fitting to share now as March has certainly come in like a lion.  As I remember, the girls were lions themselves the day we made these...a bit unruly and wild.  Nothing like a little paint, glue, and yarn to soothe them into more lamb-like behavior.  Now let's see if Miss March follows suit and brings us to a beautiful, calm lamb of a spring.  

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

One-Hit Wonder Wednesday

Welcome to my ladies' greatest hits...more to follow each Wednesday.  Some are new, some are old...but all are those 3 little ladies' one-liners that I love, hate, laugh at, cry over, or they simply melt my heart.

Mom, after seeing biggest lady tell smallest ladies how it 'tis:  Ava, you're not in charge.
Ava, completely sincere:  No.  But if I was in charge, I'd be really good at it.

Elsa, hearing Willa wimper in the dark car:  Oh, Willa, what's wrong?  Are you afraid of the dark?
Willa:  No.  I'm afraid of the dork.
Elsa, giggling:  Who's the dork?
Willa, completely serious:  You.

Elsa, after a super fun play session:  I love my little sister like heck!

Ava's answer to my question of how her day went:  I was just so mindless today.